Defines the parameters required to create a new embedded player.

interface PlayerParameters {
    aspectRatio?: string;
    channelId?: string;
    height?: string;
    playerId: string;
    playoutUrl?: string;
    videoId: string;
    width?: string;


aspectRatio?: string

The aspect ratio to use for the player iframe.

channelId?: string

The id of the channel this video belongs to.

height?: string

The height of the player iframe. If both height and width are unset, the player will default to 100% width and a 16:9 aspect ratio.

playerId: string

The ID of the player configuration to use.

playoutUrl?: string

The base URL of the playout player.

videoId: string

The ID of the video to embed.

width?: string

The width of the player iframe. If both height and width are unset, the player will default to 100% width and a 16:9 aspect ratio.
